Computer assisted instructions and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary school chemistry in Calabar Municipality, Nigeria

Dr Cecilia Obi Nja & Dr John Arikpo Okri


This study investigated computer-assisted instruction and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary school chemistry in Calabar Municipality, Nigeria. The study adopted a non-randomized quasi experimental research design. The population comprised all senior secondary school II (SSS2) chemistry students, totalling 900. A sample of 80 chemistry students were randomly drawn from two schools. One research instrument was used. It was the Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT). The instrument was validated and found to be reliable, with a reliability coefficient of 0.8 using Kuder Richardson formula 20. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) as statistical tool. The findings revealed that computer assisted instruction was significant, while gender influence was not significant. This implies that computer-assisted instruction (CAI) had an effect on the academic achievement of SS2 Chemistry students, whereas gender does not influence the academic achievement when taught using computer assisted instruction. Based on the findings, it was recommended that students should be encouraged to own computers, preferably laptops, to enhance their academic performance through individual study.

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