Daniel Oluyinka Bello, Yusuf Ahmed Aliyu, Sakina Aliyu Deba & Imande Terdon Terlumun
This study adopted quasi experimental control group design to investigate gender differences and achievement of students in differential calculus using Jigsaw II cooperative learning strategy compared to the use of traditional lecture method at Federal College of Education (Technical) Gombe, Gombe State, Nigeria. 125 students formed the population of the study; cluster sampling technique was used to select the same 125 students from the study area. The Differential Calculus Achievement Test (DCAT) was administered before and after the treatment. Two research questions and two null hypotheses were developed and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Jigsaw II cooperative learning strategy was used to teach experimental group differential calculus while traditional lecture method was used to teach control group the same topics. The findings indicated no significant difference in achievement between male and female students taught differential calculus using jigsaw II cooperative learning strategy. More so, there is no significant difference in achievement between male and female students taught differential calculus using traditional lecture method. The study recommends that colleges of education authorities should encourage their lecturers to use jigsaw II cooperative learning strategy in their colleges most especially in calculus courses that most students lacked basic background from secondary schools.