Vocational Education and Opportunities for Sustainable Livelihoods for Women in Rural Areas: A Study of Cewoy Cara Foundation in Ilodo, Ijebu, Ogun State, South West, Nigeria

Ajede, Salamat A.


Vocational education are ode, Nigeria. impacting on the availability of improved livelihood which will go a long way to eradicating poverty and hunger the first two main targets for the achievement of sustainable development goals for the world. Poverty and challenges and threa hunger are great t to human race particularly in Africa where a large percentage of the populace in most of its countries still live in abject poverty. It therefore becomes mandatory to look for a means of combating the challenge of po verty and hunger through the availabi lity of improved livelihood for the generality of the populace especially rural dwellers that are the hardest hit in poverty and hunger. Appropriate vocational educational skills can contribute to better opportunities f or improved livelihood and income. Ho wever, it is also important for educators of vocational studies to gain the necessary inserts into global trends in generating vocational skills that will address the challenge of livelihood problems. These are the obje ctives this paper seeks to achieve. The paper discusses the concept of vocational education, the types of vocational training available for rural women in the Cewoy Cara Foundation, global trends in vocational education and training; as well as the attend ants impacts of the training programs provided by Cewoy cara and vocational studies on opportunities for improve livelihoods for rural women and the role of government/ civil society organizations in the availability and affordability of vocational educat ion and training for rural women and CA lastly implications for the achievement of sustainable livelihood opportunities for rural women. Purposive and total enumeration techniques were used to select all female members as well as few male members of CEWOY RA within Ilodo and other communities for the study consisting of a total of 176 respondents. IDIs were conducted for the qualitative study on some purposively selected members as well as the conduct of quantitative survey. The quantitative survey was anal yzed using descriptive statistics as 0.05level of significance while the qualitative data were content analyzed. Results showed that the establishment of the CEWOY CARA Foundation has greatly impacted positively on the livelihood opportunities of the rural women of Ilodo and other communities around it through the training and vocational skill acquisition the centre has afforded members as well as the opportunities for credits and loans which has helped members boost their business and other livelihood pote ntials.

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