Call for papers


Prestige Journal of Counselling Psychology – print and online versions

Authors are hereby invited to submit quality articles in any area in education for consideration for publication in the Prestige Journal of Counselling Psychology (PJCP). The frequency of the PJCP is twice in a year. While issue no. 1 of each year is published in March, issue no. 2 of a year is published in September. Authors are invited to submit original and full-length articles that have not been published elsewhere and are not undergoing review in any other journal. The online version of PJCP is open access, thus entirely free for users to access and download its contents.


Guidelines to authors

Authors are encouraged to adhere to these guidelines as articles that do not meet these stipulations might be ignored or sent back to authors for compliance.

  • The first page of the article should carry the contact details of the author(s) including functional phone number, email address and affiliation while the abstract/main article should begin from the second page.
  • Surname of author(s) should be in bold font.
  • The latest APA referencing style should be used.
  • The abstract should not be more than 200 words in single line spacing, and five keywords should be provided below the abstract.
  • The article, including the abstract, should not be more than 15 pages. Please note that there are extra publication charges for extra pages beyond the recommended maximum of 15pages.
  • Articles should be prepared using Times New Roman font, 12 points and double line spacing.
  • Authors should use block paragraphing style, with double spacing between paragraphs.
  • Empirical articles should be presented under the following headings: Introduction, Research Questions, Hypotheses, Methodology, Presentation of results, Discussion of the findings, Conclusion, Recommendations and References.
  • Position papers should be presented under appropriate and relevant subheadings but without numbering the headings/subheadings.


Submission of manuscript: Articles should be sent as Microsoft Word attachment to


Additional Information: For more information, please contact us through

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