Utilization of Resource Persons for Effective Instructional Delivery in Agricultural Education in Tertiary Institutions in Ebonyi State

Amuche Elom Eje, Elizabeth Akwenaboye Udie & Florence Chekwube Dike


The study sought to examine the approaches for utilization of resource persons for effective instructional delivery in agricultural education in tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State, using survey research design. The study had 3 purposes, 3 research questions and 3 hypotheses. The population of the study was 25 lecturers of Agricultural Education; the entire population was used. The instrument for data collection was a 47 item structured questionnaire. The instrument was validated by three lecturers of Agricultural Education and Measurement and Evaluation in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The reliability of the instrument was .79, established using Cronbach alpha technique. All the copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analysed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. It was found from the study that there are: 13 areas of agricultural education that resource persons are needed, 17 roles of school in utilizing the resource persons and 13 procedures for utilization of resource persons for effective instructional delivery in agricultural education. Among the recommendations made was that the school management and lecturers of agricultural education should regularly seek the utilization of competent resource persons in the areas of need as identified by this study.

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