Effective Methods of Teaching and Learning: Developmentally Appropriate Practices in the Nigerian Early Childhood Pre-Primary Education

Janet Motunrayo Eseyin


This paper examines the pre-primary school children’s teaching and learning methods adopted in Nigerian schools. It explains the benefits of appropriate practices to both children and teachers and how teachers can best guide pre-primary school pupils to achieve effective learning. Some problems have been identified including the misuse of school in Nigeria to mean kindergarten or day-care and use of non-appropriate teaching and learning methods for this age group. The paper has discussed some methods as it applies to the age group addressed in this paper. It has given hints on issues to be considered in selection of learning methods. Some Nigerian teachers use teaching methods that do not match with the developmental level of the pupils which will affect the teaching and learning process. The paper therefore explained the characteristics of young children and used this understanding to guide the choice of teaching methods. Based on the discussions, relevant recommendations were made including that regular seminars should be organized for teachers on modern methods; and successful attendance at such seminars should form one of the conditions for teachers’ promotion.

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