Environmental Deforestation and Bio-diversity Loss in Southern Education Zone, Cross River State

Dr. Etan, Michael Obun, Oham, S. Oham, Mrs Mirian Akpono Egere


This study examined   environmental deforestation and biodiversity loss in southern educational zone, Cross River State Nigeria. To achieve the purpose of this study, one research question was raised and one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.5 level of significance. The study adopted ex-post facto research design. The population of the study comprised (806) of respondent of male and female from the study area in Southern Educational Zone, Cross River State.    A sample of 403 respondent was used for the study. The instrument for data collection was 12 item questionnaires. The instrument was titled: Environmental Deforestation and Bio-diversity loss in Southern Educational Zone Questionnaire (DBLSEZQ) from the administered questionnaire, data was organized and analyzed using one –way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) The result obtain from the result revealed that; Environmental deforestation significantly influence Bio-diversity loss in Southern Educational Zone in Cross River State.   Based on this result, it was recommended among others. There is need for afforestation in both rural and urban areas, and there should be environmental awareness to promote Bio-diversity conservation and protection.

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