Dr Peluola Oladehinde Titiloye, Dr Zipporah Olufemi Egunjobi & Dr Osagie Oluwaniyi Johnson
This study investigated popular education and engagement related issues as correlates of citizens’ involvement in partisan politics in Abeokuta metropolis. This is with the aim of improving the level of citizens’ involvement in partisan politics and political participation. Using a quantitative research design, the study surveyed a sample size of 268 adults of voting age, using a structured questionnaire, to assess their political awareness and other significant engagement related issues in relation to their involvement in partisan politics. Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient was used to analyse the data. The findings highlighted the critical role that popular education plays in promoting active political engagement among citizens. The study equally highlighted that social engagement-related issues are significantly related to citizens’ involvement in partisan politics. It was recommended that Popular education programmes should focus on enhancing citizens’ understanding of political systems, party dynamics, and right to active democratic participation. Also, citizens should be trained to critically assess political information, identify bias, and discern reliable sources. This will help them engage in partisan politics in a more informed manner, avoiding misinformation that could influence their political decisions negatively, among others.