Perception on Social Media Usage and Fake News Dissemination among Students in College of Education Akamkpa, Cross River State, Nigeria

Racheal Daniel Ama-Abasi, Oqua Eta Agbo, Mary Sunday Enidiok & Eno Okon Richard


The study examined students’ perception of social media usage and fake news dissemination among students of College of Education, Akamkpa, Cross River State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design, using a sample of 256 College of Education Students. The instrument used for data collection was Social Media Use and Fake News Dissemination Questionnaire (SMUFNDQ). The data collected were analyzed using frequency count and Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient. The result of the analysis revealed that over 50% of the respondents have a negative perception of fake news dissemination. Also, there is a significant relationship between social media and fake news dissemination among college students. The study recommended among others that the federal government and relevant organizations should collate research papers/materials particular to demographic analysis on the dissemination of fake news in Nigeria and use results to identify the specific role of Nigerians in the dissemination of fake news based on the demography.

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