Psycho-demographic variables and senior secondary school students’ perception of solid waste management in Calabar Metropolis Cross River State, Nigeria

Ojong, Aganyi Asu; Dr. Egbonyi, Etuki Eborty & Akpo, David Mbu


The research investigated Psycho-demographic variables and senior secondary school students’ perception of solid waste management in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, two hypotheses were formulated to guide the research. Literature review was done according to the variables under study. The survey inferential design was adopted for the study, and the sample consisted of five hundred (500) respondents who were selected using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The stratification was based on the students’ gender (male and female). The questionnaire titled Psycho-demographic variables and students’ perception of solid waste management assessment scale (PVSPSWMAS) was the instrument used for data collection. The reliability estimate of the instrument was established through the Cronbach alpha reliability estimates method. Independent t-test is the statistical analysis techniques adopted to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance, with relative degree of freedom. The results of the analysis revealed that students’ attitude and gender significantly influenced their perception of solid waste management. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that students’ should develop positive perception towards solid waste management by doing so. They can dispose of the waste so generated by them.

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