Dr Denis U. Agiande & Dr Bassey Obeten Udumo
School and schooling have already achieved ubiquity in human society. However, learning psychologists, and pedagogy experts are extensively researching to determine the pattern, environment and circumstances by which an individual most consistently experience and demonstrate learning. Environments that support learning or school climate is one of such areas attracting robust research. A good, safe and secured school/classroom climate guarantees effective teaching and learning in schools. School climates in Nigeria has been made fragile by societal ills that afflict schools; then came the COVID-19 pandemic that affected schools worldwide, and led to their closure for a long time. Currently, the Nigerian school system is facing an on-going threat from insecurity. This paper explores dimensions of school climate and the impact of its disruption on teachers, students and schools. The authors finally propose ways to stem the tide of insecurity in schools and restore them back to their overarching goal of preparing manpower to build a safe, secured and learning friendly society.