Effects of Two Inquiry Learning Models on Students’ Academic Achievement and Retention on Gas Laws in Secondary School Chemistry in Uyo Metropolis, Nigeria

Utibe Charles Akpan & Dr Felicia I. Umanah


This study investigated “Effects of Two Inquiry Learning Models on Students’ Academic Achievement and Retention on Gas Laws in Secondary School Chemistry in Uyo Metropolis, Nigeria”. It adopted pretest, posttest non-randomized quasi-experimental research design.  Instrument for data collection was Gas Laws Achievement Test (GLAT), with reliability value of 0.79 using Kuder-Richardson Coefficient of reliability. The same test was reshuffled and used as retention test. The target population of the study was all the SS2 Chemistry students in the study area. The sample was 100 students comprising boys and girls drawn from two schools out of 14 schools in Uyo metropolis.  The three hypotheses for the study were tested at .05 level of significance using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The moderating influence of gender was also observed. The findings indicated, among others, that students taught gas laws using cyclic inquiry model had significantly higher achievement and retention mean scores than those taught using practical inquiry model, and the least facilitative in achievement was practical inquiry model.  Based on the findings, it was recommended, amongst others, that Chemistry teachers should be trained on the impact and use of these inquiry models of learning, and implemented same during classroom instructions.

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