Understanding Dyslexia among School -Aged Children in Nigeria: A panacea for Social Inclusion

Dr Melvina N. Amalu


All children differ from one another at varying levels. However in some children, the  learning difficulties are more serious and the children deviate more significantly in one  way or another. These are special needs children who are different and whose behaviour  deviates significantly from the norm. This paper examined the understanding of dyslexia  among school aged children in Nigeria. The paper went further to discuss concept of  learning disability, dyslexia, sign/symptoms, types, causes and management of dyslexia.  It is recommended that series of seminars and workshops should be organized by  schools, Government, and NGOs for teachers, school psychologists and counsellors in  order to facilitate the understanding of dyslexia, support for dyslexic children and their  inclusion in their communities.

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