Effects of Psycho Education Intervention on Job productivity of Nurse Educators in Plateau State, Nigeria

Dr Grace Onyejekwe, Eric Isaac Shockden & Dr Grace O. Daniel


The study aimed at ascertaining the efficacy of psycho-education intervention in improving students’ evaluation and individual teaching competences among nurse educators. A true experimental research design was employed for the study. Thirty-four of the 87 nurse educators in the seven public nursing institutions in Plateau State participated in the study. Seventeen participants were each randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups respectively. Data were collected using Nurse Educators Job Productivity Rating Scale. Analysis was done using mean, standard deviation and ANCOVA. The result revealed moderate level of job productivity among the NEs in both the experimental and control groups. There were also, among others, significant difference between the experimental and control groups on students’ evaluation competence after controlling for pre-test; significant difference between the experimental and control groups on individual teaching competence after controlling for pretest effect. The study concluded that psycho-education intervention is an effective intervention for enhancing job productivity among nurse educators in public nursing institutions in Plateau State Nigeria. It was recommended, among others, that the management of nursing institutions should organize regular workshops or seminars for their educators on psycho-education intervention and job productivity.

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