Employees’ Involvement in Decision-Making on Promotion Issues and their Job Performance in Private Companies in Cross River State – Nigeria

Arikpo, Esther Bassey (PhD) & Edoho, Glory Emmanuel


This study examined the influence of staff participation in promotion-related decisionmaking and their job performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. Data were collected through the administration of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was face-validated by experts in tests and measurements. Afterwards, the draft copies were trial tested on 50 workers is three companies that did not form the final sample of the study. The instrument had a Cronbach Alpha reliability of .76. Copies of the questionnaire were then administered to a random sample of 720 employees of private companies in Cross River State. The data were analyzed using simple linear regression to determine the significance of the finding. The result showed that staff job performance was significantly influenced by their participation in decision making regarding their promotion. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that employers should encourage the participation of labour in decisions that pertain to employees’ promotion.

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