Author name: OpenAccessGlobal


Perception on Social Media Usage and Fake News Dissemination among Students in College of Education Akamkpa, Cross River State, Nigeria

Racheal Daniel Ama-Abasi, Oqua Eta Agbo, Mary Sunday Enidiok & Eno Okon Richard Abstract The study examined students’ perception of social media usage and fake news dissemination among students of College of Education, Akamkpa, Cross River State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design, using a sample of 256 College of Education Students. The […]


Influence of Petroleum Subsidy Removal on Administrative Variables in Public Secondary Schools in Benue North West Senatorial District, Nigeria

Jacob Ternenge Nevkaa & Shaayongo Benjamin Toryila Abstract Using survey research design, this study investigated the influence of petroleum subsidy removal on administrative variables in public secondary schools in Benue North West Senatorial District. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses were formulated and tested for the study. The population comprised 1,910 teachers


Mothers’ Beliefs in Birth Order and Academic Attainment: Implications for the Psychological Wellbeing of Siblings in Nigeria

Prof Daisy I. Dimkpa & Dr Lydia A. Wilcox Abstract It is the thinking of the authors that while academic attainment is influenced by a variety of factors, certain difficulties connected to birth order are likely to have an impact on children’s overall performance, owing to beliefs held by Nigerian mothers. They may get pushy


Popular Education, Engagement Related Issues as Correlates of Citizens’ Involvement in Partisan Politics in Abeokuta Metropolis, Nigeria

Dr Peluola Oladehinde Titiloye, Dr Zipporah Olufemi Egunjobi & Dr Osagie Oluwaniyi Johnson Abstract This study investigated popular education and engagement related issues as correlates of citizens’ involvement in partisan politics in Abeokuta metropolis. This is with the aim of improving the level of citizens’ involvement in partisan politics and political participation. Using a quantitative


Influence of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Obudu Local Government Area, Cross River State

Dr George A. Agaba, Dr Abdullateef Ambali & Dr Inakwu Agbama A. Abstract This study investigated the influence of social media on students’ academic performance in Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. To achieve this research objective, two research questions were raised and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The


Gender Differences and Achievement of Students in Differential Calculus Using Jigsaw II Cooperative Learning Strategy

Daniel Oluyinka Bello, Yusuf Ahmed Aliyu, Sakina Aliyu Deba & Imande Terdon Terlumun Abstract This study adopted quasi experimental control group design to investigate gender differences and achievement of students in differential calculus using Jigsaw II cooperative learning strategy compared to the use of traditional lecture method at Federal College of Education (Technical) Gombe, Gombe


Study Burnout and Academic Self-Efficacy of Undergraduates in the Universities in Northwest Zone, Nigeria

Dr Ahmad Muhammad Garba & Ibrahim Muhammad Abstract The study investigated study burnout and academic self-efficacy among undergraduates in the universities in Northwest zone, Nigeria. Two research objectives were raised. One research question was answered and one null hypothesis was tested. Correlational research design was employed. The population of the study were 50,046 300-level undergraduates.


Business Skills Required for Employability by Office Technology and Management Education Undergraduates of Public Universities in Cross River State, Nigeria

Dr Victor Abanyam & Moses Odey Akputu Abstract The study adopted survey research design to examine business skills required for employability by Office Technology and Management Education (OTME) undergraduates of public universities in Cross River State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study population was 2,390 Business Educators and registered entrepreneurs


Computer assisted instructions and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary school chemistry in Calabar Municipality, Nigeria

Dr Cecilia Obi Nja & Dr John Arikpo Okri Abstract This study investigated computer-assisted instruction and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary school chemistry in Calabar Municipality, Nigeria. The study adopted a non-randomized quasi experimental research design. The population comprised all senior secondary school II (SSS2) chemistry students, totalling 900. A sample of 80 chemistry

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