Capacity Building and Perception of Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching of Environmental Education Among Secondary School Teachers in Cross River State, Nigeria

Dr. Egbonyi, Etuki Eborty; Mrs. Idongesit E. Ephraim and Remi Modupe Omoogun Abstract  The work analyzed capacity building and perception of interdisciplinary approach to the  teaching of Environmental Education among secondary school teachers in Cross River  State, Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted for this study. Out of a population  of 5,194 secondary school […]


Awareness Strategies and Attitude Towards Sewage Disposal Among the Inhabitants of Calabar Education Zone in Cross River State, Nigeria

Addo, Doris Elemi and Agba, Peter Ukwondi Abstract The essence of this study was to determine the extent to which awareness strategies influence attitude of residents towards sewage disposal in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River state. To achieve this purpose, two research questions were developed and converted into two null hypotheses, which guided the


Determinants of Rural Settlement Patterns and Impacts on the Environment of Some Settlements in Cross River State, Nigeria

Benjamin Ayua Ambe, Mrs. Mary J. Imoke, and Dr. Demitrus Oba Abstract This paper essayed to investigate determinants of rural settlement patterns and their impacts on the environment of some communities of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two research hypotheses were formulated and tested for the study. Data were obtained using a simple community member’s checklist

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